How old is Joya De Ceren?
The village was buried under volcanic ash from a massive eruption of the nearby San Salvador volcano in the 7th century, preserving the structures, artifacts, and even the tools of the Maya people who lived there. This sudden event captured the village in time, providing a rare snapshot of their lives, their homes, and their way of life. The volcanic ash preserved everything so well that we can see how the Mayans lived, from the simple tools they used for farming to the food they grew.
Joya de Cerén’s preservation is a testament to the power of nature. The ash preserved the village in such a way that it is still possible to see how the people lived and worked, making this a truly unique and invaluable archaeological site. The site, along with its artifacts and well-preserved structures, offers an intriguing look at the daily life of the Maya people who lived there so many centuries ago.
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